PCCF : Principal Chief Conservator of Forests   APCCF : Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
CF (C) : Conservator of Forests (Conservations)   DCF : Dy. Conservator of Forests
CF (WL) : Conservator of Forests (Wild life & eco-tourism)   WP : Working Plan
ACF : Asst. Conservator of Forests   (SF, P&G) : Social Forestry, Parks & Gardens
S.D.F.O. : Sub Division Foresat Office   (M & E) : Monitoring & Evaluation
WL & Et (N) : Wild Life & Eco-tourism (North)   (SC) : Soil Conservation
WL & Et (S) : Wild Life & Eco-tourism (South)   FTS : Forest Training School
(P & S) : Planning & Statistics   (HQ) : Head Quarters
(R & U) : Research & Utilization